“Hi-Tech” performs all kinds of works related to CAR AIR CONDITIONER SYSTEM
- A/C system diagnostics on leak resistance
- A/C compressor inspection
- Freon recharge
- Ultraviolet induction

A/C evac/recharge from $140
A/C condenser cleaning from $65
AC system diagnostics from $85
AC compressor diagnostics and replacement from $550
Car air conditioner, like any other device from time to time, requires diagnostics & maintance, and if there is any issues it will require an experts. If you notice some negative features in conditioners’ work such as ice or frost appears on connecting elements , lack of cold air from air vents . All these points will signal that A/C system needs to be recharged.. Air conditioner recharge is important action not only a lack but also surplus of frion could adversely affect on conditions’ work.
Car service center “Hi-Tech” performs repairs or replacements on any air conditioner systems. We used only high qualify freon, oil,dye and the professional SNAP-ON system for air conditioner evacuate & recharge …