Trouble Passing Emmissions?
With our repair services, we GUARANTEE a successful emissions Test!
The Illinois EPA issues a Repair Shop Report Card on an automotive repair center’s ability to diagnose and repair cars that have failed the emissions test. They are assigned a letter grade based upon their success rate. In order to qualify a shop must have performed at least 5 or more emission repairs during the last six months. Visit the EPA website to check our current standings.
State Emissions Pre Testing
Hi-Tech Automotive offers pre emissions testing. We can examine your vehicle and assess whether or not you will meet Illinois Emissions Testing standard. There are a number of reasons why a vehicle may fail an emissions test and most of them are related to preventative maintenance repairs.

Common reasons a car may fail an Illinois Emission Test
- Defective Oxygen Sensors
- Leaking Fuel Injectors
- Vacuum Leaks
- Clogged Air Filters
- Defective Mass Air Flow Sensors
- Defective Fuel Evaporation Systems (EVAP)
- Thermostat Stuck Open
- Oil contaminated with fuel
- Old Spark Plugs & Wires
- Worn Distributor Cap
- EGR System Problems
Our Emissions Repair Facility
If you failed an Illinois Emissions test, or you think you might fail then stop at Hi-Tech Automotive for a diagnostics. Our skilled technicians can quickly identify what the most probable cause of the failure is and fix it. Don’t waste time or money when it comes to emission repairs; get it done right the first time. Visit our repair facility today.